monarch! (again)







unbelievably into this band i just heard! shoppers. not to sound all curmudgeonly, but it’s been a while since i’ve been stoked by a new rock band. right on!

[bandcamp album=3301515308 bgcol=424242 linkcol=4285BB size=grande3]

sam rivers

one of my favorite musicians of all time, now, sadly, r.i.p.






and an npr interview with sam rivers from 2009

i know he’d been super active up until recently, but unfortunately, i couldn’t find any decent video documentation of his more recent activities.

biting? hater?

sediment club

Is there something inherently wrong with a current band/musician sounding almost identical to a band/musician of the past? I’m not sure. I’ve been asking myself this question again lately. A couple of years ago I heard this song, Lower Leg, on the radio by a band called Wetdog. At first I was like, this is good, this must be some song by Kleenex/Lilliput that I haven’t heard before. Maybe there was some promo single or something that just came out. But no. The dj said it was Wetdog. Fucking weird cuz it sounded exactly like Kleenex/Lilliput. From the vocals down to the guitar to the sound of the production. But Wetdog was current. Their song was brand new. So while originally I was enjoying the song, once I realized it was brand new and by a band that sounded exactly like another, I was instantly turned off. Disappointed I guess.

But should I have felt like this? Something about it bugged me. I felt like, what was the point of making a song, making music that sounds exactly like something that already exists. I understand making music that has a similar vibe, aesthetic, sound, element, etc. That’s bound to happen. You grow up listening to something, and some part of that is going to come out in what you play, what you make. That’s inevitable. But I feel like the point is to take your inspirations and add something unique, however small, to it. Otherwise why bother, just be in a cover band. There’s tribute and there’s appropriation. Maybe biting is a better term.

Just recently I came across two more examples of this and it got me thinking about this again. The first was this band called the Sediment Club. Who in theory I should like. Cuz they’re like no wavey arrhythmic guitar squall chime etc. But something about their sound bugs me. It’s like just too similar to the original no wave product. The vocal delivery, the guitar sound, the drums. It’s like you can identify each element individually instead of it all just blending together and coalescing into something new. The guitar is just too similar to Arto Lindsay in DNA. There’s just slightly too much Contortions happening. But should this matter? Cuz, it does sound good. But if you added it to a comp of original no wave material it wouldn’t sound out of place. Is it biting? Or is it adding something new?

The second example is this new album by this British saxophonist, Nat Birchall. If I didn’t know it was a brand new album that just came out this month, I would’ve thought I was listening to an album that was released in like 1972 on Impulse or something. Which in theory is great! There are some amazing Impulse records out there. The first track called Ancient World began and I was thinking, wow this is a great intro. Nice bells and droney piano, but then at about a minute in, the saxophone comes in and it’s like fucking John Coltrane. Like too much identical to Coltrane. The sound of the recording is clearly new, but overall the vibe is too similar, the aesthetic is too similar, the fucking harp is too similar. I do understand loving Coltrane, cuz I love Coltrane, but to totally ape him is weird to me. Make something new. Make a tribute to him, but make it your own, in your own voice.

So this bothers me, but should it? Should I care? Is this a worthwhile issue? I mean it’s not like the music is bad, at all. It just seems to lack its own voice.  And is it even crucial/necessary to add your own voice to your music? Or am I just being picky – a snob, a hater, a curmudgeon, a douche? Maybe. But it is my gut reaction. And I think I have to go with my gut on this.

Here are some links so you can investigate for yourselves. And you might like these musicians. And if you do you should definitely buy their stuff cuz they are technically very good, active musicians who probably need your support. And I totally understand liking the music.

sediment club
nat birchall

rhys chatham, bill orcutt, mca, 9/9/10

photo by Wajimacallit Orcutt –
Black t-shirt. Jeans. Barefoot. Right leg crossed over the left. His right big toe crossed over the toe next to it. Twitching the foot rapidly throughout his performance. A graying beard. Messy brown hair thinning at his crown. He says few words. Hello. Thanks. Goodnight. Sitting on a chair. A lone spot light on him from directly above. Dust particles illuminated in the light. Ascending. Pulling him up. Isolating him. Removing him from this world. He glares at the light. At the audience. Like a belligerent drunk. “Yeah,” he seems to say, “I did just fucking play that.” Continue reading “rhys chatham, bill orcutt, mca, 9/9/10”

life is life

i was intrigued when i saw that noah and the whale (who i am not a fan of) had a video for their new song, life is life. i immediately thought, holy shit someone’s covering laibach! unfortunately it was just their own twee ass indy rock. rats! but then i thought, i’d like to hear laibach’s life is life. so here it is


and i guess i’ll show the twee:

[vimeo w=400&h=225]

Noah & The Whale “Life Is Life” from Miky Wolf on Vimeo.

which do you prefer?


I recently finished reading a book that H got me for my birthday last year. Coltrane on Coltrane. It’s a collection of interviews conducted with Coltrane, interspersed with a few letters he wrote, some essays about Coltrane, and a few interviews with others about Coltrane. In short, it kicked my ass.

What’s remarkable to me, is that back in the day, as early as the late 50’s, people were already commenting on his, “angry tone.” The violence and frustration expressed in his playing and by his playing. And shortly thereafter his supposed “antijazz”-ness. It’s hard to imagine a time when this music was considered controversial. When the tone of his saxophone was considered a threat. When his music was considered to be strictly angry and violent. When I listen to him, I hear joy. Not that his music doesn’t travel the darker emotional spectrum – anger, sorrow, frustration, etc. But, what I hear, and have always heard, since I got into him, is a joy of life. A joy to be playing, to be expressing himself and his life experience through music. A joy to be communicating with other musicians, audience members, his loved ones, with his music. That’s what I’ve always heard. Continue reading “coltrane”


my music palate has been changing again. i’ve started to appreciate some forms of metal. shocking! metal! what? but, it’s only the weirdo metal that i can get into. weirdos like, monarch. french metal nerds who are way slow, drone, loud. one of the things that blows me away about the following clip (which is pretty much a full set) is how quiet the drums are. think about how loud that room must be! fuck!

[vimeo w=400&h=225]

Monarch | NYC @ Death By Audio | 17 Nov 2010 from (((unartig))) on Vimeo.

now, this short interview makes me like them even more. flowers! butterflies! righteous! it can’t all be doom and gloom, right?

[vimeo w=400&h=225]

Looking for New England: Haselore Kohl meets Monarch from (((unartig))) on Vimeo.

i was captured by robots

April 2010

Before the show, E and I met up for dinner at Lindo Michoacan. Burritos. Enchiladas. Talk of circuits. Recording. Sound manipulation. Killing time until J was ready to go the show. Not able to tell E about H being pregnant. Not able to tell anyone yet. On the tip of my tongue. But still a secret.

In the car with J and V. Their cigarettes burning, smoke filling the back seat. Windows cracked. Rain coming in. Spring night in Chicago.

4 or 5 bands playing that night. Might as well be 4 or 5 hundred bands. The opening bands all varying degrees of awful. We tried to miss the first band but came in half way through their set. Made up like raggedy-ann. Striped tights. Ridiculous pippi pigtails. Goth lite mixed with new wave cheese. We stomached a song before retreating to the bar in the other room. Surrounded by sports tvs. A jazz band setting up. Saxophone. Electric bass. Drums. Keyboard. They started playing safe jazz. Slightly better than goth lite. Continue reading “i was captured by robots”